Supermarket Fresh Prepared Is Going to the Dogs (and Cats)!

The supermarket fresh prepared area is finally going to the dogs, but in a good way! Earlier this month, the What’s in Store booth at IDDBA s showcased a unique variation on meal kits, and yes, it’s going to the dogs and cats! While meal kits for humans are on the rise, the pet meal kits are a viable option for those retailers looking for ways to maintain a sustainability platform within their operation. By 2024, the global dog food market is projected to reach $100 billion, so this may be a great opportunity for retailers to gain additional sales in their pet food aisle.
Retailers attending the show went bonkers over this pet sustainability concept and wanted to learn more about it! Here’s how it works: produce items that are damaged or perishables that are about to expire can be utilized as items to build meal kits for your pet. Vegetables like carrots, corn, green beans and sweet potatoes as well as chicken, fish and rice are some of the staples that are healthy and safe for our furry friends. The pet meal kits were created by Chef Chris Koch and his staff to show retailers how they can easily create these for their own operation. What a great way to create a nutritious meal for pets while utilizing these perishable items that would have otherwise have gone to waste!
This concept was shown in a Hillphoenix HSC-S-K self-contained, 4’, low-profile mobile merchandiser…perfect for any pet food aisle!
#mealkits #selfcontained #sustainability #dogs #cats