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Video: Is your display case stealing moisture from your meat and seafood?

By Published On: April 20, 2015

To understand how conduction heat transfer preserves the natural moisture content of meat and seafood, it helps to understand the alternative: traditional convection-cooled cases.

Most convection-cooled meat and seafood display cases work in one of two ways. The most common way uses fans to drive the circulated air; this method is called forced convection. A second approach relies on the natural tendency of cold air to sink and warm air to rise. A particular type of evaporator called a gravity coil is mounted at the top of the case instead of at the bottom as is typically used in forced-air cases. This latter approach is referred to as natural convection. Either way, the process is the same: cooled air flows over the product to maintain the desired temperature. The trouble is that air flow equals moisture loss. ronnie coleman steroids And moisture loss shrinks the window of opportunity for merchandising meat and seafood.

With traditional convection-type cases, the only way to overcome the loss of moisture in meat and seafood is by using misting systems, which can increase the potential for bacteria growth.

Because conduction cooling maintains high levels of natural humidity, product quality is greatly prolonged and enhanced without having to replenish moisture. High moisture levels keep the product fresher longer and reduce shrinking.

Read more about Coolgenix cases featuring conduction heat transfer technology.